She is 6 years old and the most responsable kid I kow. She's sweet and with her sisers has almost never-ending patience. She's such a great helper and everything she does, she likes to do it well. She's an amazing student and a great little gymnast.
Bella is 4 years old, and the best way to describe her is that she's a free spirit. She's very loving and has no inhibition whatsoever. She says and does whatver comes to her mind. She's dramatic and weather she laughs or cries, she does it with all her heart wich by the way, it's the size of the sun.
She's 2 years old and she is the deffiniton of happy. She's sweet and smart and has love, smiles and kisses for everybody. She's hardly ever sad and when she is sad, she'll forget about it fast and stat laughing and playing right away. She wants to be just like her sisters and follows them around doing everything they do, earning multiple hugs and kisses from them, because they both think Giada is the cutest thing alive.