Monday, April 20, 2009

Conversation between Dane and Scott.

I want to share stories about the girls as often as I can, but I thought that this story was best told in a conversation that Dane had with his dad. This conversation took place through instant message on 04/20/09 almost 11 pm Utah time, 04/21/09, almost 1 pm KL Malaysia time.

10:54:28 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Tell me if you get this message
[10:55:14 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: I dont' know i fthis is working
[10:55:19 PM] Scott Sanders: Yes, got it.
[10:55:24 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: perfect
[10:55:50 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Okay so I'll tell you what happened to us yesterday with Leah.
[10:55:50 PM] Scott Sanders: Yeah, I couldn't hear you at all. Surprised you could hear me.
[10:56:10 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Yeah, your image and voice were coming through just as good as ever.
[10:57:18 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Annie and I pushed the girls in their strollers up to Granite Park. They loved the walk and were very excited to start playing once we got there.
[10:58:20 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Leah climbed up to the top of a platform that had a few slides to choose from and I was standing about 3 feet behind her so I could see and hear her, but she didn't know I was there.
[11:00:34 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: She stood about a foot and a half away from the slide and was just staring at it and started saying, "ok, now I know that I'm scared, but I have to try" After saying those words she took two 'very confident' steps toward the slide and started the process of sitting herself down in place. Finally she pushed herself down until gravity took over.
[11:01:31 PM] Scott Sanders: What a sweetheart! Good for her! Tell her I'm very proud of her.
[11:02:23 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: She got to the bottom of the slide and she turned around and it was obvious she was looking around to see where Annie and I were. I went over to her and told her what a great job she did and that I was so proud of her. She smiled back at me and said, "Dad, I was so scared, but I just knew I could do it!"
[11:03:38 PM] Scott Sanders: I love that little girl so much! good to talk to you. Hopefully we'll get this figured out.
[11:04:06 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Yeah, I'm kind of glad it's not working right this minute. I've totally lost my composure.
[11:04:19 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: I miss you dad.
[11:04:38 PM] Scott Sanders: I miss you too. Bye for now.
[11:04:45 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Bye.
[11:05:27 PM] Dane Ana Sanders: Tell mom I love and miss her too.


  1. Oh! That is so cute! We need to get our kids together soon.

  2. Cute story!
    What a BIG girl! : )

  3. This story made me happy. Good job Leah!

  4. The difference between Leah and me is when she says, "I know I'm scared but I have to try..." I would have said, "Yeah right, that is scary I am not doing it." She is a brave little soul.
